Considering the recommendations made by the charter for priestly formation for India (Catholic Bishop's Conference of India -5, 2.2) and at the same time being aware of the need to impart to the students a highly qualified and sound intellectual formation, St. Clement College has taken bold steps in visualizing a system with an efficient Academic Council and an Academic Senate to frame its academic programme and drawing up the necessary policies. This is to ensure a collective and participative system of making policies and decisions and to set up channels of effective dialogue and co-responsibility.
The Council deals with all matters pertaining to the Intellectual Formation. As such, the primary function of the Council is to ensure the involvement of everyone concerned in the details of the Academic Programme. It includes the following:
To bring to light the feelings and opinions of the staff and students regarding the academic programme that is being imparted in the college.
To make suggestions and recommendations, considering the feedback, for the better functioning of the academic system, with a view of attaining and maintain a high standard within the academic institution.
To review the working of the programme from time to time.
The Academic Council is the forum consists of the resident staff of the St. Clement College, visiting professors available at St. Clement College when the council is on session, directors of the study houses (in the case of Day Scholars attending our college) and the elected representatives of the students. Each batch of students will be represented by an elected member and will be on the Council for a period of one year. It is an information-giving body and as such it is empowered to help in the decision - making process by putting forward its suggestions and recommendations. The council is a free forum and all its members have equal rights in voicing out their opinions and getting involved in the emerging discussions
The Academic Senate is the highest administrative body of the St. Clement College. It takes decisions in the light of the suggestions and recommendations made by the Academic Council. The Senate is constituted of the following:
The Rector/President of the College. He will also be the Chairman of the Senate.
The Dean of Studies. He will be the convenor
All the other teaching members of the staff.
The Academic Senate is the final competent authority in all matters concerning the general academic policies.